The recent calamities, typhoons and flooding, that struck our country have really gotten me off track from my writing. Well, at least the type of writing that gets posted here. The emotional seesaw has left me so confused on what to focus on long enough to come up with a coherent article. I did have several start-up articles although in my personal opinion, are better left hidden, chronicled in my own little journal, not intended for public access.
It was in this state of mental and emotional limbo when I came across a rare find. It was one lazy weekend afternoon when with no intended purpose, I flipped through one of my favorite designer books and found several forgotten treasures. Among them is an old newspaper clipping carefully tucked between the pages of the book.
Quite honestly, I could not remember when and why I placed the clipping there. Considering that I arm-wrestled my way to get the one and only copy of this book several years ago, the clipping must be of equal if not greater value than the book itself to earn the honor of being encased in the book’s immaculate pages. While I could not actually remember putting the clipping in the book, I have discounted the possibility of a generous donor as I kept this book under lock and key in my office cabinet. And with no other key duplicate in existence, there is no one else to give credit for this serendipitous find.
The clipping must have been dated some years back as it now looked rather old and worn. Nevertheless, reading through its content gave me a jolt of very timely wisdom appropriate to the present time. I’d like to share this with you…
Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark:
One: Don't miss the boat.
Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat.
Three: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
Four: Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something
really big.
Five: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
Six: Build your future on high ground.
Seven: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
Nine: When you are stressed, float awhile.
Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals
Eleven: No matter the storm, when you are with GOD, there's always a rainbow
I can't help but smile when reading this. This is truly a treasure, simple yet practical lessons in living a life. And I must say, the timing and circumstance when I came across this is impeccable.

Is it just me or is this my heavenly Father's way of letting me know He is here and in control? And since I know in my heart that it's indeed Him, I just felt renewed and strengthened knowing that Father GOD is indeed a GOD of small and big things. While He can direct solutions to problems as big as the typhoon and flooding during Noah's time, surely our own flooding and typhoon in the Philippines is nothing compared to what HE can do. And as for my own little problems, my little life's typhoons and floodings? Well, that too, is under HIS care.
Today I woke up with a confidence knowing that everything will indeed fall into place according to GOD's plan and purpose. Taking the lessons from the Noah's ark to heart, I think I'd like to exercise lesson number 9 and that is, to float for just a little while…. God bless you!