If you are one of the 15 million Filipinos who took the time to switch your lights off last March 28, 2009 from 8 to 9 pm for the Earth Hour, then you would know that there are already several known personalities and celebrities who had become avid spokespersons on green revolution.
Nope, this is not the same as the one coined in the 80’s where people were asked to plant trees, vegetables and fruits. Still a worthy cause back then, but in the present time, the green movement as it is also coined, has taken on a new and much more encompassing coverage.
Several public and private personalities have gone beyond their comfort zone to promote the environment. The pressing and looming concern on global warming brought about by the depletion of natural resources at unprecedented rate, and with all of us feeling the direct effect cannot deny the impending threat to our very own survival. Surely something ought to be done.
The 11th Hour Trailer
Without sounding mellow dramatic, it takes little to realize, that the extreme temperatures we now experience is really out of the usual.
While the heat has not scorched us to oblivion yet, there are those in several miles across the worlds that are directly affected, currently fighting for their very own lives. Mother Nature, normally nurturing and caring, is a force to reckon with when we place ourselves on its worst side.
Last December, for the first time in history, people in Manila experienced extreme cold while for the other parts of the Philippines, summer had arrived much sooner than expected. Our weather bureau, PAG-ASA, whose forecast, I sometimes likened to the predictions of Madame Auring (pun intended here), is in a much more difficult situation now with the weather going haywire. If you must leave the house, I must say that umbrellas are the most versatile of tools you can bring… it works pretty well whether it rains or shines.
For the common tao, one can ask, “what can I do to address the issue of global warming, I am just one person?” Well, the answer is, each and everyone is enjoined to help, doing his or her own share one person at a time.
Spelled out in a more practical terms, I have a few practical tips you can do…
1.)Switch off lights and other electrical equipments when not in use.
Unused electrical appliances continue to take in energy and electrical load when left plugged in. Add up several households that are unmindful of this practice and we are talking about a serious carbon foot print.
Carbon Footprint is the amount of generated carbon emissions, which contribute to accelerating global warming and climate change. This is an indication of the effect one has on the climate in terms of the total amount of greenhouse gases produced as measured in units of carbon dioxide.
What’s more, the natural gas, still the main source of electricity, comes from a fast declining resource buried deep down from the earth’s crust, the key word—fossil fuel.
To make matters worse, our electrical appliances when in use, emits free radicals believed to be harmful to the human body. This is one of the cited sources of premature ageing and skin cancer. No wonder my dermatologist advised me to use sun blocks with UVA and UVB coverage even when staying indoors.
2.)Close the faucets when brushing teeth, shaving or when not in use
We all have the illusion that water is an infinite resource. Well, you are wrong!
If you have lived or had a chance to visit the Middle East, you will know that water is a precious commodity. People are dying because of water, either by lack of it or for an effort to take control of it.
With more than two-thirds of the human body composed of water, we might as well be called water creatures! No water means serious trouble for us all.
We will survive without precious gold or the black gold---oil, but we will certainly not survive without water. It is the vital key to our survival, and yet, we indiscriminately destroy the very source of water. Wastes chemicals are irresponsibly dumped in rivers or seas with poisons finding its way into our water system.
In the office, we strive to have paperless transactions, or if we do use papers, we make sure that it is well used up, front and back.
According to the product insert of the organic tea we are currently brewing, one ton of paper takes 2 or 3 times its weight in trees. Now if only trees could talk. No wonder the Ents in Lord of the Rings are mad.
At home, we do save used bottles and plastic containers and give it a second life as dispensers of products we buy in big volume. Even egg shells are used as mulch or natural fertilizer to our plants.
Back in the office, we have launched a new jewelry line called ECO CHIC, making use of the usual trash and converting them to treasures. You have to see our latest accessories made of newspaper beads or the cool colorful pendants from the cuttings of our lowly brooms, among others. The ingenuity and pure talent of our design team never fails to amaze me. I am just very, very proud of them!

We also highly recommend the use of fabric bags when shopping at the supermarket instead of using non-biodegradable plastic bags. I commend SM & Rustans Supermarket for coming up with their reusable shopping bags. My husband so used to the habit that we could never leave home doing grocery shopping without those cool bags.
4.)Be conscientious in our every choice.
It takes 30 days to form a habit. When asked to buy or use something, it is worthwhile to ask one self, “Is there a better, more economical, more responsible way other than this?”
During the Earth Hour countdown at Shangrila Mactan Cebu, those present were asked to write their pledges to support the environment on a used compact disc. As a symbolic gesture, we were asked to hang our disks on a pine tree situated right by the stage. Though the tree looked impoverished lacking the usual lights and glitters, I am reminded of Christmas in a noble and practical way. Now if only every one keeps the promises they made that evening.
Having represented our company, I wrote that we will continue with our GO GREEN initiative. That is, for our local brand ARTIZANS; we will plant one tree for every product sold. With or without recognitions or accolades, we knew this was one of the best decisions we ever made in our company.

In my personal capacity, I wrote, “I promise to use only earth-friendly, organic, biodegradable self-care products for my personal and family use”.
This is actually not just by choice but also by necessity as belonging to a generation of asthmatics, we are all very allergic to several synthetic chemicals. For many years now, using organic products is the only way for us. I will discuss more of this in my next article.
5.)Get informed and be a part of a bigger organization that promotes green living.
To get a healthy gym habit, you are always advised to get a gym buddy. Your gym partner is there to help encourage and motivate you.
This is pretty much the same with any new activity you delve into.
A green buddy as I call it, and I don’t mean Shrek here, should be there to share the latest knowledge and information on green living with you. He or she must encourage you when the going gets rough and tough, probably even to the extent of being able to share, trade or barter some the things he or she has. Now that truly is economical!
6.)Participate in activities that promote Green initiatives.
I am not much of a party-goer anymore. I actually have a body clock that goes off at the strike of 10 in the evening---my exact time to hit the sack when most pubs are just starting to open. I now prefer to spend my evenings with my boys at home doing our nightly rituals, reading books, making up stories, singing. I am now resigned, very well settled to my blissful state of motherhood come evening.
Yet, for the Earth hour, I realized I do need to be one with friends, old and new, who shares the same belief as I. It is good to be affirmed and to know that indeed I am making the right decision. Going green is a commitment and something we should all do, not just for show.
And so at that night, the home buddy that I am, I found myself standing arm in arm with a gorgeous, hunky, very organic date (my husband) in a plush Shangrila Mactan Resort, made even more magical during the lights off with the stars solely illuminating the sky.
If you have missed this momentous event, and you are feeling a slight pinch of guilt due to your indifference, do not despair as Mr. Raymund Bragg, the General Manager of Shangrila Mactan Resort promised that this is going to be a yearly event.
Going green should not be a passing fad but must be the way of life. It is not the other way, but the ONLY way, if we are to ensure the survival of our children and that of our children’s children.
Our fight against issues and factors that affects our environment is real and we ought to dig deep into the good in every one of us and work together for this common cause. As Mr Leonardo Di Caprio said in his video, “Man’s darkest moment is yet to be our finest hour”.