Fashion is certainly more than just choosing the right color or the right cut. After all, a well delivered speech would lose its sincerity and impact if delivered by someone who is not dressed appropriately. Nobody would take one seriously if they are dressed like a clown so to speak. Through fashion, passions are rekindled, power deals are closed, and a gloomy disposition is lifted up. In more ways than one, fashion affects us.
Personally, a big part of my life has been about fashion. I had the privilege to be on both sides of the equation, that of being a consumer and that of a designer and manufacturer.

Likewise, fashion has carved a career path for me. Having worked both as Sales and Marketing Manager and Designer for an international fashion accessory company for almost 10 years now, I was also given the rare opportunity of working with established designers of well known brands abroad. It is truly very inspiring to work with some of the geniuses in the fashion industry and get a glimpse on how a certain design takes shape.
Also, I find it a privilege to have access to the most expensive forecasting tools and of knowing the up and coming trends at least one to two seasons ahead.

Far from being a fashion expert, these experiences have somehow given me quite a unique perspective which others may find interesting. In the course of these various exposures and influences, I have come to know what works and what doesn’t personally work for me in fashion.
It is indeed with these varied personal and career exposures that I have decided to put up an online site. I hope to share my knowledge and experiences and hopefully also learn from others with the same interest as I, through this online interaction.
Early on, I also just want to inform that the opinions expressed in this site are purely my personal opinions or that of my guest writers.